Keep it Simple and Safe values integrity, leadership, commitment, and humanity. If you have that in common with us, consider yourself a part of our endeavors.

Young Mentors Network™

Start Phase: YoO begins with a network of passionate mentors cultivating the youth we serve into impactful leaders. The network of mentors ensures youth have a continuum of support while developing. 

Latter Phase: The Mentor Network becomes youth-led, as youth in the academy surpass their mentors, and progress into the Mentor Network as leaders of their own generation who support, educate, and mentor.

Help Youth Excel

The Black Committee for Progress™

The Black Committee for Progress (BCP) brings together Afro-Diasporic communities across social and cultural boundaries to promote Black Love, Awareness, Culture, and Kindness (BLACK) within our own communities. As a member, you will engage Black and Afro members through community events, outreach, and public forums.

Advance Racial Equity